
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Test My Heart Rate

Kia Ora , today I will be telling you what we are learning for PE. For this Hurumanu we a learning about our heart rates. Today we did 3 test, the first one was finding our Resting Heart Rate and count how many pulses there are in 30 seconds and then doubling it for how many in a minute. The second one we did was running 30 meters and then seeing how long we took. The last one was a agility test. For the agility test we timed each other. I will leave the picture of the agility test and my heart rate.

A Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is were if you a settled and not using your energy for like running or something physical. An average heart rate for a kid ages 11-13 is about 80-90 pulses a minute. 

Fitness Test
Heart rate after (BPM)
Resting heart rate
84 pulses a min
Agility Run
21 sec

30m sprint
17 sec

Thank you for reading my blog, BYE!!!


Badge Of Honour Part 2 - Summary

Kia Ora here is a summery of the story that I just published on my blog.

Badge of Honour 

So at the start of the story Miss Latu presented the school captains, Fai, Jess,
Tomasi and Isaac. Isaac knows that Tomasi fights people after school and during
the weekend so Isaac tells Tomasi that he is going to tell Miss Latu because if he
is fighting people he isn't being a good role model even if it isn't during school. At
the end of the story Miss Latu finds out and Tomasi tells Isaac to say he was at
Isaac house the whole time to get away with it. 

Thank you for reading my blog, BYE!!!

Badge Of Honour

Kia Ora and today I will be talking to you about what we are doing for the 2nd week of school after lock down. For the first activity we have to read a book out of 4 I choose to read 'Badge of Honour'.
Badge of Honour is about 4 kids that get the role of being school captains, but one of them doesn't deserve to be one. Here is some more information about it:....

Isaac is one of the school captains along with  Fai, Jess and Tomasi. Isaac is one of the school captains that does the right thing no matter what. In the story his friend Tomasi always fights other people after school and in the weekend. Isaac cares for his friends, does the right things and helps people that might need help. 

The school captains are Fai, Jess, Tomasi and Isaac. I think that Isaac, Fai and Jess all like the role of being school captains. Tomasi on the other hand thinks it is an advantage because at the end of the story it say "Miss Latu will believe us. Were school captains, right". Basically he said that because Miss Latu knows about Tomasi having fights after school. 

I think that the author wants to give out the impression that Tomasi is bad and doesn't like to listen to his friends that trying to help him. I know this because in the story Isaac tries to stop Tomasi but he fights a kid named Richmond.

The author also gives out the impression that Fai is a caring person and if you ever need someone to talk to you can because she will understand and give you advice. 

I would give Isaac advice like " If you think you are doing something good to help someone do it or if there fighting constantly then tell Miss Latu.

That is all I have today come back for more about the activity. 
Thank you for reading, BYE!!!