
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Arthritis Research

 Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be posting about my Arthritis Research. If you are wondering Arthritis is a bone disease caused by lots of things. There is more information on my DLO

Here is my DLO:..

Friday, February 12, 2021

My Athletics Scores

 My Athletics Prep Scores. Today we have started to do our Athletic Prep Scores, so far we have started to do our running. Here are my scores so far.

100 meter sprints 


Long jump

High jump


Long distance 

Shot put 

50 meter sprint



Some tips for High Jump:
1.Visualise yourself
2.Choose the side that is comfortable for you
3.Be consistent
4.Landing on your upper shoulders (Frosbury Flop) 
5.Look above the bar
6.10 step approach