
Friday, May 24, 2019

Ki O Rahi!

This term for PE were are learning how to play Ki O Rahi.
For this term PE is called working together as one. My whole class
had to make a presentation for how to play Ki O Rahi.

How to play Ki-O-Rahi:
Ki O Rahi Vocabulary 

Step 1: The first thing you need to do in a game of Ki-O-Rahi
you have to make 2 teams of 7 .

Step 2: Make the playing field for the game. In the playing field
you will need:

*Check vocabulary for the meaning of these words
  1. Tupu
  2. 7 Pou
  3. Ki

Step 3: At the start of a game you have to throw the ball in the
air and both players have to try and hit it.

Step 4: At half time both teams swap there positions from
*Taniwha to *Kioma And *Kioma to *Taniwha.

Helpful tips:
Every time Kioma hits the *pou that is a point but to gain those
points you need to touch down.

When Taniwha has the ball the need to have 4 people in the
zone to be able to shot. You are able to have as many turns as
you want.

The winning team is the one with the most points.

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